How to Craft Luxury Toilet Paper in The Escapists

If you are wondering how to craft luxury toilet paper in The Escapists, this guide will show you the steps to follow. First, open your inmate’s desk to find the crafting tab. From there, you can choose from a variety of crafting options, such as luxury toilet paper. The challenge of crafting it is not as difficult as you might think. You can find all kinds of toilet paper, including retro-themed ones.
Luxurious toilet paper
If you’ve ever wished that you could buy the best toilet paper in the world, then you’re in luck. Thankfully, there are several ways to do so. In the Escapists, toilet paper can be found in a variety of locations. For instance, toilet paper can be found in an inmate’s desk or inventory. You can also craft luxury toilet paper recipes with it, such as those that can give you an instant boost.
Finding it in inmate’s desk
In the escapists, luxury toilet paper isn’t difficult to find. Inmate desks are filled with rolls of toilet paper. It is possible to buy luxury toilet paper from these inmates, and then use it to craft Paper Mache objects. You can also use this paper to make Paper Mache by gluing it to an inmate’s desk.